All products on are individually made products. The production time of the product may vary depending on the complexity and is 5-25 working days.
Once the order is picked up by the courier, the delivery time changes according to the carrier which is used. On Saturday, Sunday and on bank holidays couriers do not circulate.
Parcels are sent all over the world by Ukrposhta
Average delivery cost:
up to 0.2 kg - $12;
0.2 - 0.499 kg - 22 $;
0.5-0.999 kg - 28 $;
1.000-1.999 kg - $34;
2.000-2.999 kg - 45 $;
3.000-3.999 kg - 55 $;
4.000-4.999 kg - $65.
For Australia and Oceania, delivery costs are 35% higher
Payment method
Pay Pal ( (commission 3 % )
Western Union
Money Gram
Credit Card ( commission 5 % )
Payoneer (commission 4 % )